Why harm Trees?

Treat Trees as Living beings…give them the dignity…
As you travel along the roads, be it residential areas or arterial roads, you can see a number of
trees as standing ambassadors of many brands and companies. These trees are not paid for this
job; but are only harmed. Their trunks are nailed all around, repeatedly…wounds not

addressed. They are left to take care of themselves…. They are likely to die in the process as
these wounds lead to insect invasion and metallic effects.
STOP….now there is a group in Coimbatore in the name of ‘Don’t Screw Our Trees’. The group
which mainly consists of 15 people in the age group of 24 to 28, have taken the task of
removing the boards and nails from the trees. These people are part of “Siruthuli”, an
organization formed to preserve the nature. They are also creating awareness in
neighbourhood, mainly through social media. They are also talking to Tamilnadu Agricultural
University to cure these trees.
Source: Nailed it, Subha J Rao, The Hindu dt. June 30, 2014 Metroplus, page1

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